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At Celebration of 领导, D.C. 酒吧 Welcomes 肖恩·米. Snyder as 53rd President


By John Murph and Jeremy Conrad


肖恩·米. Snyder, CEO of the National Association of State Treasurers, was sworn in as 53rd president of the D.C. 在6月20日的领导力庆典上, 在华盛顿威斯汀酒店举行的年度晚宴和颁奖典礼, DC Downtown Hotel.

该活动吸引了300多名与会者,其中包括D.C. 理事会主席菲尔·门德尔松和前D.C. Councilmember David Catania. Among the highlights of the evening was the passing of the gavel from outgoing president Charles R. 阴暗的小. 斯奈德(Snyder)宣誓就职.C. 上诉法院首席法官安娜·布莱克本·瑞斯比.

“I want you to know how much I appreciated working with you this past year … You’ve been a great president-elect, 我知道你会成为一名出色的总统, 政府, and trade association background. 我特别兴奋地看到你将如何领导国防部.C. 酒吧进入新的和令人兴奋的领域,”Lowery说.

在他的演讲中, Snyder said that, 喜欢阴暗的, 到目前为止,他的法律职业生涯使他对澳门赌场官网协会的领导有了独特的看法. “My previous roles in the federal and D.C. 各国政府将重点放在具有法律成分的公共政策上。. “十多年来,我一直在会员协会工作, 这对我之前在民主党的任期确实有帮助.C. 酒吧 董事会 of Governors as treasurer, 我知道(它将)对总统的角色提供有价值的见解.”

Snyder said he will focus on three areas during his presidency: increasing member engagement, 加强与诉诸司法有关的倡议, 并为未来的法律职业铺平道路. “是不是感觉ChatGPT已经存在了10年?他说. “没有。. It’s been a year and a half since it was launched, and that’s just one AI platform. 现在已经有几十个了,它们已经在这个领域产生了影响.”

“We need to make sure our membership understands and is prepared for what’s coming. The 酒吧 will continue leading the way by providing programming and thought leadership on AI and its impact on the profession,斯奈德补充道.

Snyder thanked Mendelson for being a driving force in the restoration of funding this year for the D.C. Access to Justice Initiative, 哪个组织向30多个社区组织发放赠款, 包括D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center, that provide critical legal help for the District’s most vulnerable residents. 斯奈德还称赞卡塔尼亚鼓励他从事法律职业.

Snyder went on to thank D.C. 酒吧 past presidents Susan Hoffman, 杰夫·克兰伯格坚持, 艾伦Jakovic, 乍得Sarchio, and Lowery for their continuing contributions to the 酒吧 and their guidance and mentorship during his time as president-elect. 他还感谢了父母和妻子格蕾丝对他的支持. “我总是说我做任何事都和格蕾丝在一起,”斯奈德说. “No dignity, but Grace.”

Honoring Excellence

D.C. 酒吧 also celebrated individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to the 酒吧 and the legal profession.

标志着. Salzberg, former chair of the D.C. 大澳门赌场官网公会规例/规则/理事会程序委员会(现为管治委员会), received the Frederick B. Abramson 奖 for his work on comprehensive amendments to the 规则 Governing the District of Columbia 酒吧. 这个项目, 哪一个 spanned three 酒吧 presidencies, marked the first update of the 规则 since the 酒吧’s founding more than 50 years ago.

克罗威尔 & Moring LLP partner John McCarthy Jr. received the Laura N. Rinaldi 公益性服务 Lawyer of the Year 奖 for dedicating more than 325 pro bono hours in 2023 to four custody cases. 他还参加了全天的私人诊所, 帮助两名阿富汗客户申请政治庇护.

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & 费尔德澳门赌场官网事务所荣获年度公益澳门赌场官网事务所奖. The firm contributed 21,766 pro bono hours in 2023, 包括14,488 hours dedicated to representing D.C. 个人和家庭,4,133小时协助.C. nonprofits, and 612 hours helping D.C. small businesses. Partnering with the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Af公平s, the firm ran the D.C. Compassionate Release Clearinghouse, committing more than 8,000 hours to the representation of clients previously sentenced as juveniles to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The LGBTQ+ 酒吧 Association of the District of Columbia was recognized as the Voluntary 酒吧 Association of the Year, 而D.C. 酒吧 环境, Energy, and Natural Resources Community was named Community of the Year.

现D.C. 酒吧 also honored Paul M. 现, assistant general counsel for international and aviation-economic law at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 授予比阿特丽斯·罗森伯格卓越政府服务奖, and John Brittain, 哥伦比亚特区大学教授David a. 克拉克法学院,获得瑟古德·马歇尔奖.

“我在交通部的工作很有趣, 具有挑战性的, and covered a wide range of issues,盖尔说。. “I must say that to have a job where the outcome of your work can increase safety, 哪一个 is the DOT’s North Star, 或者直接影响政策的制定方式, has been very rewarding.”

“我带着一种理想主义开始了我的职业生涯, 我必须告诉你, 即使在今天, 50 years after I started, 我仍然有一种理想主义和对公共服务的承诺. I go to work every day enthusiastic about what I do and the people that I work with because the DOT is a great place to work, with a wonderful, outstanding group of employees,他补充道.

Brittain, on the other hand, described how the current political climate has threatened the civil rights advancements around 哪一个 his work and scholarship have centered. “The most basic legal precedents that have defined the battlefield for the past 75-plus years are in jeopardy,他说. “The current reality is that relief coming through the courts is foreclosed unless and until we change the political reality, 哪一个, 反过来, will change the judicial reality. 我的电话, 然后, is to recognize the crisis of democracy that we are in and to wage the battle for voting justice on every front in 哪一个 it is under attack.”

BrittainBrittain said this means supporting the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to revitalize the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 倡导投票和投票改革, and supporting the Thurgood Marshall Institute’s Voting Rights Defender project as well as the Legal Defense Fund. “我们应该拥护让投票自由的口号, 公平, 和容易, 用布伦南司法中心的话来说,布里顿说。. “As lawyers and citizens, we can and we should show up in many ways to advance the cause of justice and the principles of democracy.”

Expanding Justice

Earlier in the evening, the D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center held its Presidents Reception welcoming Snyder and raising funds for the center, 特区最大的无偿法律援助机构. 招待会为该中心筹集了100多万美元, 哪一个完全由自愿捐款资助.

Speakers also paid tribute to Stephen J. Pollak,前D.C. 被认为是公益中心“教父”的澳门赌场官网协会会长. 波拉克于今年2月去世,享年95岁.

“Thirty years ago, he was tasked to chair a committee to examine the 酒吧’s public service activities,Shavon J. Smith, vice chair of the D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Committee. “He led a team that transformed the 公益性服务 Center into the largest provider of [free] legal services in the District. 斯蒂芬·波拉克不朽的遗产是一生的奉献.”

公益性服务 Center Executive Director Kelli Neptune summarized the center’s recent achievements, including placement of almost 240 new cases for full representation through its 宣传 & 正义的诊所.

“Pro bono volunteerism builds resilient families and preserves safe affordable homes,海王星说. “通过我们与其他供应商的合作, 在过去的一年里,我们帮助了[不止]我,在家庭法律案件的关键时刻,有近2000名父母和照顾者,有500个诉讼人面临驱逐和住房诉讼.”

The 公益性服务 Center also partnered with two other organizations to launch the new Future Planning & Probate Program “addressing a long-standing gap in services to help residents safeguard their assets and build generational wealth for families,海王星说.


D.C. 酒吧



D.C. 酒吧 董事会 of Governors is seeking candidates for appointment in the fall to the following standing committees: Clients’ Security Fund, 社区, Continuing Legal Education, 治理, Innovations in Legal Practice, 领导 Development, 和无偿服务.

Ricardo Manuel Urbina)


D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会纪念开创性法官里卡多·M. Urbina)

By Jeremy Conrad

D.C. 巴尔向前法官里卡多·曼努埃尔·乌尔比纳致敬, 作为第一位拉丁裔法官,他在法律界开辟了道路.C. 高等法院 as well as on the U.S. 哥伦比亚特区地方法院. 乌尔比纳于今年6月因帕金森病去世,享年78岁.
